Mind the gap year

What’s it like interning at a church in another country? Bella Kalan shares her experiences.

Hi, my name is Bella, and I’m the latest intern at New Life! I’m from Cape Town, South Africa, and I arrived in the UK two months ago. For a lot of my life I’ve felt called to ministry, so I decided to take a gap year and serve in another country. The UK wasn’t where my head immediately went to, but me being in the UK and in MK absolutely has God written all over it. I’m so grateful for the help of all the people in the church who played crucial roles in helping me come to this church and this country. Since being here I’ve had a few people ask me if I’m homesick, and to a certain extent, yes, I am, because I miss my family and friends, but beyond that I’m so thankful because I’m walking in the good of answered prayer, and that brings me so much joy!  

Being an intern means that I get involved in a range of ministries in the church, but my main area is serving with the kids and youth, which I’m loving. I work closely with Sonya and Hannah, who have been incredible and kind in helping me understand everything that goes on behind the scenes, on Sundays, on Friday nights, and at other family-related events. I’ve loved all the tasks I’ve been given, feeling like I have a contribution to make to what happens within the kids and youth ministries.

I’ve been able to help at Unity Park Community Club too. That’s been amazing because I’ve never been involved in anything so hands-on in terms of ministering to people in need. I help out as a waitress, and, so far, the big win is that I haven’t dropped plates or anything! Those who know me will testify that I am a very clumsy person, so that in itself is a miracle! I’ve loved working with the volunteers at the club and to be able to see the practical difference it’s making to the homeless community in MK.

I’ve been staying with Natalie – some people know her as the lady with the chickens! I’ve loved living with her, and according to some, we have too much fun! We’re both planners, and so we have a whiteboard on the fridge with our schedules for the week and a list of meals coordinating with those schedules, which I have found very helpful and a lot of fun.

The people in New Life have been so kind to me, and I’m so grateful for the welcome I’ve received. Getting to know the YAs (Young Adults) has been so lovely, and being involved in a regular Bible study with a couple of them has been so encouraging and a time of refreshment in my week.

I have been so blessed with the teaching I’ve received both in church and through the ID course. ID stands for Intentional Discipleship, and it’s the reason that I’m here. Every Monday all of the interns who are serving across the UK (and in Serbia and Spain) join a Zoom call, which includes time to catch up and discuss the Bible readings we’ve done for the week. Also, we have teachers on different topics around theology, which I have found so helpful for understanding the Bible in a deeper way. It’s helping me think things through more biblically.

I’m also a student on The School of Missional Life this year. It’s been great for growing my faith and for learning to move in the gifts of the Spirit, such as prophecy, which I had never previously done. It’s incredible how powerful those Zoom calls get!

I can definitely see that God has led me to New Life at this time, because he’s given me a love for the church, the people, and all the opportunities he’s giving me. And that’s just in the first two months! I am so looking forward to meeting more people as I continue to serve the church.

If you’d like to intern at New Life for a year, or know someone who might be interested, please contact the church at connect@newlifechurchmiltonkeynes.org.


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