God loves albania

Hylton Kilborn went on his first mission trip to Albania with the School of Missional Life. Here’s some highlights from the trip.

This was the first time I had done a mission trip. I wasn’t sure what to expect and had a few feelings of nervousness, excitement, anxiety and uncertainty about doing mission in Albania where English is not the first language, and with a team I didn’t know very well. As we made our way to the boarding gate, these feelings disappeared and I felt ready for an adventure.

Once we had settled in our hotel in Tirana, Albania’s capital, we went to meet Edi and Artina, our hosts, who lead 180 Grade Church in Tirana. They were very welcoming. We then divided into three groups and were taken to different Albanian families for us to pray over them. Thanks to our translators, we had an amazing time talking and praying with these families.

The next day, we visited a school in Elsaban, an hour’s drive away from Tirana. We had a meeting with the headteacher who gave us an impressive talk about the school, its history and all that goes on there. Our team had been warned not to mention God or the Bible to anyone whilst visiting the school, so we were surprised that the headteacher responded positively to us when we asked if there was anything we could pray for her, and a few of us prayed for her requests there and then. Afterwards, we went to Free in Christ Church in Elsaban to pray for and encourage the congregation. Even though the church was small in size, the presence of God was powerful.

Our team also attended ‘The Families on Fire for God’ conference of three churches from different areas of Albania. The Holy Spirit was very active throughout the conference, touching and changing lives, releasing freedom and peace, healing people emotionally, and impacting all our lives. When we were singing the worship songs, it sounded like there were thousands of voices praising God, when it was really only 60 people! It sounded like the angels were singing with us. Towards the end of the conference, members of the different churches came to the front to be prayed for by our team. We shared words of encouragement, pictures, and scriptures for them. When we prayed for the youth of the church in Vlora, I had the word, ‘God loves them a lot, has a special gifting for each of them, and wants to use them to bring other young people to him’. Straightaway, a lady from the church in Vlora told us that she had given that exact same word to her church whilst praying for their youth some weeks before. How amazing is that! God is awesome and moves in the most unexpected ways!

This mission trip has changed me. It has given me a sense of freedom, peace, and a better understanding of God’s love for me and others. Plus, it’s given me a purpose to demonstrate God’s love to those around me. Our small team went out to Albania to help, support, encourage and bless the churches out there. In return, we were also encouraged, blessed, changed, and refreshed by the churches in Albania. It was an unforgettable and life-changing experience. I definitely want to go back again to Albania in the near future.

The School of Missional Life is a free 10-month course, primarily delivered over Zoom, which promises to transform the lives of students, as they grow in their relationship with Father God and step out of their comfort zones on mission. Sign up here for the 2024/5 course starting in October, and you’ll have a year of adventure.


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